Saturday, April 23, 2011


Let all cats of Cloverclan join here beneath high log for a clan meeting. Cloudkit has reach her sixth moon, and is ready to become an apprentice! Cloudkit, from this day, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Cloudpaw! I ask Starclan to look down on this apprentice and to guide her to the right path to become a great, and strong warrior. Darkwing, you are one of the clans trusted warriors, therefore you are an excellent choice for Cloudpaw's mentor. I trust you will teach Cloudpaw everything she will need to know to be an amazing warrior.



All of the snow is officially gone! I will start naming apprentices ASAP. The prey pile is stocking up very nicely, but we could always use more. Could I get a show of paws to see who would like to go of for a prey hunt?